We worked with Klymit to help them recycle and upcycle their old inflatable air matresses that could not be repaired. By cutting and building them into some unique and limited edition backpacks, we were able to keep them out the landfill. Collectively we were able to keep thousands of sleeping pads from going to waste.
Klymit is a company that specializes in outdoor gear, particularly sleeping pads and other camping accessories. They were founded in 2007 and are based in Ogden, Utah. Klymit’s products are designed with the latest technology to provide maximum comfort, durability, and convenience for outdoor enthusiasts.
Their backpacks are no exception. They are designed to be lightweight, yet sturdy enough to carry all of your gear. The backpacks are made with high-quality materials and come in a variety of sizes to fit your specific needs. Whether you’re planning a day hike or a multi-day camping trip, Klymit has a backpack that will meet your needs.
One of the key features of Klymit’s backpacks is their use of airbeam technology. This technology uses air pressure to create a lightweight and durable frame that provides support and stability for your load. This design not only makes the backpacks more comfortable to wear, but it also reduces the weight of the backpack itself.
Klymit backpacks also feature a number of other convenient design elements, such as multiple pockets for easy organization, adjustable straps for a customized fit, and waterproof materials to keep your gear dry in wet conditions. These backpacks are designed to make your outdoor adventures more comfortable and enjoyable, so you can focus on the beauty of nature and the thrill of the outdoors.